Questions You Might Have About Water Heater Repairs

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Questions You Might Have About Water Heater Repairs

When your home's water heater is malfunctioning in any way, you don't want to overlook this problem, as that heater is not likely to fix itself! Certain problems with the water heater can also affect the home's overall plumbing, and ignoring these issues can lead to water leaks and damage to the home. If you suspect that your home's water heater needs repairs of any sort, note a few questions you might have about this work, so you know how to address these issues properly:

What is the difference between gas plumbing and standard plumbing?

Plumbing simply refers to the laying out of pipes; home plumbing typically refers to water pipes, whereas gas plumbing refers to the pipes that deliver gas to the water heater, the home's stove, and any other gas-powered appliance. If your home's water heater is gas-powered, you would need a gas plumber if there are problems with the pipes that deliver that gas to the heater but would need a water plumber if there are problems with the pipes that direct water to and from the tank. In some cases, a plumber is experienced in working on both gas and water lines, so he or she can repair either problem with your home's water heater.

What is a quick recovery unit?

A quick recovery water heater will have two heating elements; one is at the top, and one is at the bottom. This allows hot water to get heated much faster as it fills the tank; the top element will heat fresh water, while the bottom element keeps water in the tank warm. If your water heater seems to suddenly run out of hot water faster than it did before, this quick recovery unit, or top heating element, may need replacing.

Why are there flakes in the water?

If you suddenly notice flakes or some type of deposit in the home's hot water, this can be the result of a faulty part inside the heater itself. A tube that delivers water to the heater, or a heating element, may have become chipped or damaged, or sediment in the heater may have broken away from the heater liner and mixed with the water. This type of sediment in the water can cause damage to the heating element or to the pipes that deliver the water from the heater to the taps, so have the element inspected when you notice any such sediment in your home's hot water.

Contact a local hot water service for more information and assistance. 

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About Me

Installing a New Hot Water System in Your Home Hello! My name is Carl. I live in the city of Sydney, Australia. I recently moved into an older property which has many period features. Unfortunately, it also had a period hot water system. This hot water system was so old, it barely functioned at all. I soon got tired of taking cold showers in the morning so I decided to call in a plumber. He did a great job of installing a modern hot water system which now means I can enjoy a steaming hot shower every morning. I'm that impressed with his work, I decided to learn more about plumbing and start a blog.

