3 Practical Tips for Preserving Your Water Heater Tank

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3 Practical Tips for Preserving Your Water Heater Tank

Your hot water system is essential for your household's comfort and health. Therefore, you should protect the setup from premature and accelerated failure. The malfunction of the heater will expose your family to the danger and inconvenience of cold water use. Moreover, you should remember that the cost of repairing hot water systems and cylinders can be high. If you are concerned about these issues in your home, you should consider the below-outlined guidelines for tank protection.

Protect from Corrosion

One of the common causes of premature hot water tank failure is the corrosion of the structure. Typically, when metal is exposed to moisture continuously, it will deteriorate with time due to the chemical reactions. Therefore, you should make sure that the tank is protected from this form of deterioration. The most effective method for preventing corrosion is installing a sacrificial anode. This unit will be corroded, and the tank will be spared. You should remember to replace the anode regularly. Otherwise, the tank will corrode after the anode is used up.

Check the Relief Valve

Hot water tanks tend to build up pressure due to the high internal temperature of the container. Therefore, there are pressure relief valves which are installed in the structure to prevent the build-up of excess pressure in the tank. If the high pressure is not released, the tank structure will experience extreme stress, and its integrity will be compromised. You should make sure that the pressure relief is working to prevent these detriments. Ideally, you should release the valve and ensure that it works as expected. If not, you should consult a plumber for troubleshooting.

Clean the Tank

Numerous homeowners do not clean their hot water tans after the initial purchase and installation. This negligence can be highly detrimental to the longevity of the structure. In general, hot water cylinders tend to accumulate sediments over time. The build-up comes from water impurities, common mineral deposits and anode corrosion materials. These materials will create a layer of grime at the bottom of the tank. As a result, the tank will have reduced capacity and efficiency. In addition, the grime will cause mechanical strain to the structure. You should flush out the tank periodically to eliminate the built-up materials to prolong the lifespan of your system.

Finally, you should remember to check the temperature of the water flowing from the heater. If the heat level is too high, your tank will degrade at an accelerated rate. If you cannot adjust the temperature, you should consult your plumber. 

421 Words

About Me

Installing a New Hot Water System in Your Home Hello! My name is Carl. I live in the city of Sydney, Australia. I recently moved into an older property which has many period features. Unfortunately, it also had a period hot water system. This hot water system was so old, it barely functioned at all. I soon got tired of taking cold showers in the morning so I decided to call in a plumber. He did a great job of installing a modern hot water system which now means I can enjoy a steaming hot shower every morning. I'm that impressed with his work, I decided to learn more about plumbing and start a blog.

